Oil and Gas

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todayJuly 5, 2023

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Cyber security + Business + News + Malware + Ransomware + Backdoor + Breach Mjolnir Security

Understanding Qakbot, Cobalt Strike, and Their Impact on Canadian Businesses: Insights from Mjolnir Security

In today’s digital era, cyber threats have become more potent and pervasive, impacting individuals and businesses across the globe. Two such prevalent threats are Qakbot and Cobalt Strike, both of which have wreaked havoc in the Canadian business landscape. In this blog post, we delve into what these threats are, ...

Case Study + News + oil and gas Mjolnir Security / March 20, 2023

Mjolnir Security’s Effective Incident Response to an Insider Threat in North America’s Oil and Gas Industry

Introduction In 2022, a North American-based oil and gas organization faced a sophisticated insider threat that posed a significant risk to its operations. The attacker, collaborating with hacktivist groups, aimed to target specific oil rig sites. Mjolnir Security was brought in to provide a comprehensive incident response service, conducting a ...