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todayJuly 21, 2023

  • 169
  • 8

SCADA + IoT + Global news + Crisis Management + Incident Response + Articles + Case Study + News + Malware + Botnet Mjolnir Security

Unraveling the Veil of Cyber Attacks: How Mjolnir Security Safeguards the Digital Realm

Introduction: In today’s digital landscape characterized by an unprecedented degree of interconnectivity, global society is more susceptible to cyber threats than ever before. The escalating sophistication and frequency of cyber attacks necessitate a stronger emphasis on cybersecurity measures across organizations. Mjolnir Security emerges as a stalwart safeguard in this landscape, ...

Mjolnir Security Torri Botnet IOC

todaySeptember 29, 2018

  • 209
  • 1

Business + News + Malware + Botnet + Exploits + Threat Intelligence + IoT Mjolnir Security

Torii Botnet

Security researchers at Avast have discovered a new malware strain that uses comes with a quite rich set of features for exfiltration of (sensitive) information, modular architecture capable of fetching and executing other commands and executables and all of it via multiple layers of encrypted communication named Torii. We have already ...

todayMay 23, 2018

  • 96

News + Malware + Botnet + Threat Intelligence + IoT Mjolnir Security

VPNFilter Malware targets over half a million networking devices worldwide

A new malware known as VPNFilter capable of targeting a range of routers and NAS devices rendering infected devices unusable and also capable of maintaining a persistent presence on an infected device, even after a reboot. VPNFilter has a range of capabilities including spying on traffic being routed through the ...